
Sustainable power for the new year: Acceptance & Gratitude
mit (English) Hanne Mogensen

Januar 6 (Samstag)
um 5:30 Uhr

20 Minuten


5 week program with Hanne Mogensen (English)

If you want to pursue new ideas/dreams/goals it is vital that to understand

  • Where you have been
  • Where you are
  • And make peace with/pay thanks to both

Goals and dreams we have for ourselves all speak of a “if I get this in my life, my life will be (even) better than now”. I salute you for wanting more for yourself. More for your happiness, joy, balance.

I am not here to tell you what you should and shouldn’t do. What I am offering is to help you create a solid, solid foundation on top of which you can build those future dreams - in a sustainable way.

The following quote summarizes the essence of this program (thank you for sharing the quote with me, Claudia)

“The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change” 
- Carl Rogers

If you want to create long lasting, sustainable goodness in your life the first thing you need is NOT change. The first thing you need is awareness of where you are, where you have been, and an acceptance of both.

Therefor the main practices/themes of this program will be
  • Reflection
  • Awareness
  • Acceptance
  • Gratitude
We will explore some of the core elements of the yoga philosophy and what we can learn from here on acceptance, gratitude and moving forward through life in a sustainable way.

Now that was a bit about what to expect/why to sign up. Now follows the practical part:

Duration: 5 weeks. Per week 2 recordings and 1 reminder e-mail
First email will be sent on: Saturday 06/01 2024
Last email will be sent on: Saturday 03/02 2024

Recordings will be in English. You will get two audio recordings per week. You listen to these in your own time. Duration 15-20 minutes each.

  • One recording will be podcast-style with “food for thoughts” on a theme. The content will be inspired from a mix of Yoga Philospphy, mindfulness as well as phycology.
  • The second recording will contain a meditation practice relating to the theme of the week.
You get to keep all content.

When The audio files will be shared with you on Saturday mornings. And on Wednesday you will get a little reminder/check in/motivational email so you don’t “forget” to do the work.

Email and/Or Whats App: I will send the content via email. But I will also offer a Whats App group in which I will share the content (This is NOT a Chat group. It is simply a place where I - for your convenience - will send out the audio files (you will still get them via Email too.)

Investment: 69 CHF
+ your time. For your experience/development with this program to be optimal I suggest that you to the meditation at least 3 times / week (or 2 and then take a long forest walk alone to let the theme settle). And listen to the “food for thoughts recording” at least once.

Possible gain: 
Inspiration, acceptance, peace, joy and further knowledge about parts of yoga philosophy

Who can join?
Anybody. No previous experience needed. You simple need to be willing to be guided and committed to show up.

Now THAT is a sustainable way to start the new year if you ask me.


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