
Journey to Headstand / 4 videos + 1 live workshop
mit (English) Hanne Mogensen

November 9 (Samstag)
um 12:15 Uhr

75 Minuten

FlowFabrik Studio | Magazingasse 2, 8400 Winterthur

Headstand - or Salamba Shirshasana in Sanskrit - is known as the king of asanas.
Headstand invites you to see the world from a new perspective, helps you to lift your spirit and is said to lead you to greater self-confidence. That is why I would like to offer to accompany you on this journey to headstand.

It all starts with the foundation
In this program, you will learn how to perform the headstand safely. It all starts with the foundation. In the first videos we will work exclusively on building a strong foundation (arms, shoulders, torso).
You will get stronger, increase mobility and soon discover why so many yogis are passionate about this pose.
You'll learn the benefits of headstand and how to safely lift yourself into this inversion (instead of jumping up - in fact, jumping is prohibited in this program. It is a big no go because jumping into headstand can be really shitty for the health of your neck to be honest!).

Live support all the way

When you sign up, you get immediate access to the 4 videos. You do the videos at home and whenever you want/need you reach out to Hanne for personal coaching on your concrete challenge. The easiest way for support is to send messages on Whats App or Signal. By sending small videos of your practice you can get get most useful feedback. 

Later on we then all meet for a workshop in the studio. After the workshop you still have access to both the videos and the live support.

This program is for both those who are

  • are new to headstand and want to learn it

as well as for those who:

  • already do headstand and want to find more stability and better alignment in the pose

The program works as follows:
When you sign up, you get immediate access to 4 videos.
You find them by logging into Punchpass (our booking system) and clicking "Content Library" in the top bar of the page.

Watch the videos one after the other. Through videos 1 to 4 you will build and understand the important basics of the headstand. For optimal development, I suggest that you repeat video 1 until you understand the movements and feel "at home" in them. Then move on to video 2 and repeat the process before pressing play on video 3.
Watch each video at least twice before moving on to the next video.

When you sign up for this program you also sign up for a workshop on a specific date. 

We meet in the studio at Magazingasse 2, 8400 Winterthur. Here we will practice together and I will be able to help you with individual questions/adjustments.

Reach out at any time and get individual feedback

As soon as you sign you for Journey to Headstand you can start. watching the videos. As if any doubt or challenge comes up you can contact Hanne at any time (by phone, email or Whats App) so she can guide you. 

(If you send a voice message or video via whats app it is the easiest way to help you. (Your content will for sure NOT be shared with anybody else)).

This program is NOT suitable for everyone.

In a headstand, the neck and head carry some of the weight. If you suffer from neck tension or injury, you should have a good conversation with your doctor and your most honest self before participating in this program.
So that I can take the best care of you, here is a list of contradictions (reasons why you may NOT want to participate in the program).
Be aware that participating in this program and practicing at home is at your own risk. So please take good care of yourself.

Like other inversion postures, it should be avoided during pregnancy and menstruation. Some other things that should stop you from doing this pose are:

  • Neck and back injuries

  • High blood pressure

  • Weak blood vessels

  • Pressure in the eyes

  • Heart disease

  • If you are very overweight, the headstand is not yet suitable for you, as the weight of your body may be too heavy for your neck and head.

If in doubt,
you must ask your doctor for advice before participating in this program.

Participation is at the risk of the participant.
Feel free to also reach out to Hanne via 0766909109 or [email protected] for an chat.

Let's turn the world upside down for a while

Love, Hanne


This class reservation cannot be cancelled once booked!

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Journey to Headstand / 4 videos + 1 live workshop (Ticket)


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